+90 506 999 99 01 oyunusov@polymetllp.com

The composition Aubergineincludes  Dried sugar, protein, cellulose, pectin, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, thiamine, carotene, riboflavin, potassium salt, and tannins and other.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of this vegetable is the prevention of serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, as it contains substances contribute to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Because of potassium salts Aubergine has beneficial effects on the heart muscle, and promotes excretion of excess fluid. That is why nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of elderly people, especially with complaints of heart. This vegetable cleanses the body of salts of uric acid, so it is especially recommended for gout.


Aubergine fruits rich in salts of manganese, cobalt, iron, zinc, copper, and therefore they are useful in anemia. If every day there is at 400- 600 grams of Aubergine, then we can do without drugs iron, zinc and copper, which are appointed at this pathology. And thanks to the relatively low caloric content it is a universal product for weight loss.


Scientists from Germany have found that regular consumption of Aubergine helps to more easily quit smoking. The fact that in this vegetable fruit contains a small dose of nicotine, reducing withdrawal symptoms for which the first few days of suffering former smokers.

Greater effect can be achieved by eating Aubergine with tomatoes, cauliflower or potatoes, a part of which also includes nicotine.

Scientists from Michigan found that eating just 240 grams of red tomatoes provides the body with 1 mg of nicotine. The same number of people willing to give up the habit will get if eaten 140 g of potatoes or 10 g of Aubergine. Compared with a cigarette, which contains 1000 mg nicotine dose of the substance contained in vegetables, minor, but they help in habituation period to a new lifestyle.