+90 506 999 99 01 oyunusov@polymetllp.com

GOST 10298-79
brand CT-0, Se – 99.8%
brand CT-1, Se – 99.0%

Production cycle:
 de-sliming of slime;
 slime burning and selenium oxides catching by gas washing to obtain pregnant solutions;
 precipitation of selenium from the solutions;
 filtration and drying the selenium residue;
 smelting the selenium and obtaining the ingots.
Application range:
At making semiconductors, selenides of many elements are used, such as selenides of tin, lead, bismuth, antimony, and selenides of lanthanides. Also, the glass, chemical (production of paints and enamels), and pharmaceutical industries.
Form and packaging:
The commercial selenium is produced in ingots no more than 7.5 kg, and it is shaped as truncated pyramid.
The commercial selenium ingots are wrapped up in package paper and put into wooden boxes as per GOST 5959. The mass of the selenium does not exceed 50 kg.
The commercial selenium is made according to requirements of GOST 10298 for the brands: CT-0 and CT-1.