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Given the many useful properties of dried carrot, it would have to buy at the pharmacy. Carrots are high carotene content, and dietary fiber, potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin C and folic acid.

Dried carrots are very useful for vision, as has a strengthening effect on the retina, it helps with myopia and eye fatigue, nervous and digestive systems. With regular use of fresh carrots contained in vitamins and minerals, increase vitality, strengthen the immune system, stimulate regeneration processes in the body.


Dried carrot comprises: up to 15% sugar, fatty oil – 0.1-0.7% nitrogen, mineral salts, asparagine, umbelliferone, flavonoids to about 0.3%, a number of enzymes (amylase, invertase, protease, lipase, peroxidase , catalase), pigments, various carotenoids, phytoene, phi tofluen, lycopene, and a variety of vitamins, provitamin A – 6,25mg, vitamins 0,12-0,16mg, B2 to 0,05mg, to 0,… 5 mg, pantothenic acid to 0,15mg, folic acid -.. 0.1 mg, PP -.0,4mg ..