+90 506 999 99 01 oyunusov@polymetllp.com



Dried apricots – a popular type of dried fruit produced by drying apricot fruit. There are 3 types of dried apricots:

  • Dried fruits with bone, they are called “apricot”;
  • Cut the fruit in half, pitted, they are called “dried apricots”;


Dried apricots – a popular type of dried fruit produced by drying apricot fruit. There are 3 types of dried apricots:

• Dried fruits with bone, they are called “apricot”;

• Cut the fruit in half, pitted, they are called “dried apricots”;

• Whole fruits without seeds, is Kaisa (though they are also often referred to as dried apricots).

This product is characterized by a high content of B vitamins and C and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus). It also has a lot of organic acids and pectins, deducing from an organism heavy metals and radionuclides. The dried apricots are widely used in clinical nutrition and particularly in the treatment of hypertension. The beneficial properties of this product a whole lot, the use of this dried fruit helps:

• reduce cholesterol levels,

• a positive effect on the cardiovascular system,

• increases insulin levels in the blood,

• softens solid tumors

• increases the level of hemoglobin,

• strengthens hair,

• stimulates brain activity,

• helps to cleanse the bowel.



Apricot – Confectioner


Class –  Second

Drying type- Processed

Humidity- max 25%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 1,5-2sm

Package- box 10 kg


Apricot- Confectioner


Class –  First

Drying type Processed

Humidity- max 25%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 2-2,5sm

Package- box 10 kg


Apricot – Subhon


Class –  First

Drying type- Processed

Humidity- 16%

Quantity in 100g


Package- box 5-10 kg




Apricot – Subhon


Class –  Highest

Drying type- Processed

Humidity- 16%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 4-5sm

Package- box 5-10 kg


Apricot – Lemony


Class –  First

Drying type- Processed

Humidity- 16%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 3-4sm

Package- box 5-10 kg



Apricot pitted (HashtakJombo)


Class –  Highest

Drying type – Solar

Humidity- max 25%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 4-5sm

Package- box 5-10 kg







Apricot with pit (Kandtak)


Class –  Highest

Drying type – Solar

Humidity- max 25%

Quantity in 100g

Dimension- 4-5sm

Package- box 10 kg



Apricot pit(kernel)


Class –  Highest

Fraction -60/70

Humidity- 7%


Package- sack 20 kg


Apricot pit(kernel – bitter)


Class –  First

Fraction – not calibrated

Humidity- 7%

Quantity in 100g


Package- sack 20 kg