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From ancient times beet is considered medicinal and nutritious product. About 2.5 thousand years ago Greek physician Hippocrates include this vegetable in the medicinal formulations. The Greek physician Diaskorid applied red beets in the treatment of infectious and skin diseases, and in the XVI century. Paracelsus was the first to use the beets with blood diseases.

In Uzbekistan, red beets came about in the X-XI centuries., And the ubiquity of this vegetable crop has received only in the XIV century, which is confirmed by numerous written sources.

Beets dried eaten to excretion of toxins, as well as a means of stimulating appetite and uplifting.


Dried red beets especially rich in vitamins – B1, B2, B6, C, carotenoids, amino acids, iron salts, manganese, potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium and iodine.

Dried beetroot shows persons suffering from cardiovascular disorders and in the summer is used for cooking kvass.


The chemical composition of dried beet.


Nutrients, vitamins, trace elements per 100g: Calories – 253.6kkal, Protein – 9.0g, Fat – 0.6g Carbohydrates – 56.6g, Vitamin A – 0.04mg, Vitamin B1 – 0.04mg, Vitamin B2 – 0.2….. mg, Vitamin the C -.. 10.0mg, vitamin PP – 1.2mg, Iron -.8.0mg, Potassium -.1728.0mg, Calcium -.222.0mg Magnesium -. .. 132.0mg Sodium – 516.0mg, Phosphorus -. 258.0 mg.,